What We're All About

CU Students have teamed together this year to learn through exploration how to manipulate many different instructional technologies. In time we hope to branch out and share our knowledge with other educators and peers.
We'd like to serve as a resource to our fellow future educators and professors of Education who would like to put that SmartBoard to use in their classroom, or learn how to use podcasts in the classroom as tools for parent involvement or student assessments. The possibilities are endless!
Your local Clemson Geek Squad


The Technology Center

Here are some pictures of the technology center at Club 2:45 on Monday, November 12th. Each student created a PowerPoint presentation on an assigned state. See comments for more information.


Adding Images

Directions for adding images from your visits to Club 245:
1) Add New Post
2) Click on the photo icon next to the Spellcheck icon on the
toolbar at the top.
3) Upload an image much like you do when adding
attachments to email.
Follow the prompts on the screen; you can choose the size and layout for your image. Once the photo is uploaded into the textbox, you can enter text telling us a little about the picture. Good luck, and feel free to email me with any questions you may have!